映像ディレクター。大学在学中にフリーランスとして活動。卒業後、2023年 THINKRに入社。
Film Director. Began working as a freelancer while enrolled in university, then joined THINKR in 2023 after graduation. With sharpness and precision in motion design, the video expressions are especially prominent in a dark and immersive atmosphere.
- 代表作Notable Works
- Albemuth「Black Glow」- MV Albemuth, “Black Glow” -MV Direction
- 大沼パセリ「フランソワ」- MV Parsley Onuma, “François” - MV Direction
- ChroNoiR「ブラッディ・グルービー」- MV ChroNoiR, “BLOODY GROOVY” - MV Direction